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The More Problems, the Better: Join the first Alter State Masterclass on Problem-finding

Updated: Aug 15, 2021

Time is flying and the sunny beginning of the summer brings the first Alter State masterclass dedicated to problem-finding, taking place on June 9th. The 3-hour online masterclass will create an opportunity for participants to learn about problem-finding step by step. Within different methodologies and hands-on practices, participants will learn how to find that ONE problem that will become the base of the innovative solution generation process. You may be surprised about the complexity of problem-finding. Still, one thing is sure: high-value solutions born from finding the areas that need painkillers, not vitamins.

Justina Klyviene, the co-founder at Alter State notes that “a massive reason for innovation failure is that the idea addresses non-existent problems. The problem-finding masterclass is designed to take a little step away from known problems and look more broadly. By combining different methodologies and hands-on practices, we will encourage participants to glance at the most critical challenges and problems so that the idea they come up with is relevant and real.”

In the following text, you will acknowledge the value problem-finding has in the whole idea generation process, why it is worth joining the problem-finding masterclass and what special Alter State team prepared for the Women Innovation Program 2021.

The first Alter State masterclass will help to discover the RIGHT problem

Why you shouldn't miss the problem-finding masterclass?

Continuously evolving customers' demands, rapidly coming new technologies and global competition, in general, builds a need to bring unique, innovative solutions to the table.

Even though the idea generation process seems to look creative and fun, it can become worthless if you're solving a problem that doesn't exist or already has millions of solutions created. For this reason, Alter State masterclass welcomes you to acknowledge and experience:

Unique hands-on practices. Our team is excited to present different innovative tools and techniques that help to recognize and understand plenty of various problems. One of them will be the Double Diamond method, including the four phases (discover, define, develop and deliver) dedicated to problem finding and solution creation. During the problem-finding masterclass, together with participants, we will dive deeper into the problem discovery phase. The more problems you find and analyze in this process, the better the so-called solution discovery and validation you will reach. That's why we are ready to share hands-on practices that will enable participants to go through the promising and compelling problem-finding journey.

Network of inspiring and like-minded people. This masterclass gathers future and experienced innovators to learn and grow together while adapting unique design thinking tools to reach the problem-finding goals. Get ready to expand your network with same-minded people that inspire you to dive deeper into the thriving innovation journey and share their expertise to help sharpen your current knowledge.

Join Women Innovation Program 2021 to for the full learning journey

The problem-finding masterclass is the first part of the 5-month Women Innovation Program 2021. Divided into several masterclasses, the program seeks to achieve the highest quality educational results. Three masterclasses will help participants reach a successful idea development process and sharpen needed skills, particularly in problem-finding, user interviews, and creative methods.

Precisely for this program, we focus on providing international collaboration and knowledge-sharing opportunities between participants while working on challenges addressing Sustainable Development Goals, such as future of energy, future of healthcare, future of education and future of cities & mobility. That’s why all of the program sessions will be directed to solving the aforementioned challenges.

Registration for the Alter State Women Innovation Program has started. Although the program is tailored for future and experienced women innovators, EVERYONE is welcome to apply now!

Written by Kristina Kirkliauskaite

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